Poltergeists? have you heard of them? In the German language “poltergeist” means “noisy ghost”. That is a great starting point to figure out what exactly these things are. Noisy, annoying, troublesome ghosts.

There are a few theories on what exactly a poltergeist is exactly. For the most part, it can be described as a paranormal occurrence that affects things in the physical world. Aka, frying pans being thrown across the room. Chairs moving, water bottles being pushed off tables, water manifesting randomly, things moving. Does that help? PHYSICAL movements. Where as, something like an oppression or spirit haunting will be different. Just simply seeing things like spirits, or experiencing a demonic oppression will most likely not be categorized as a poltergeist.

Why know these things? Idk, maybe you are interested or maybe you are a new paranormal investigator trying to figure things out. There are a few cases you may want to look at, including the Enfield Poltergeist case. This case exhibited many poltergeistic occurrences.

So where do poltergeists come from? That is a question of debate. The most popular consensus is that it is a result of our own psyche. For instance, many cases occur during puberty, or times of great stress. (loss of a loved one, financial stress, mental health problems, addictions, spiritual oppressions, by-product of other hauntings) This chaotic stress energy may be culminating into a manifested supernatural phenomenon. Poltergeist activities may also manifest in environments that have a high amount of negative energy. Places where people have been killed, or lots of “heavy” energy.

One thing to look at, is, you know when you go into a room where people were just fighting in? Or something terrible just happened and you can “feel” the heavy energy? Either fear, anger or other potent emotions still wafting in the air. Imagine this building and building up, and then suddenly your remote control to your television flys across your room randomly. This build up in electromagnetic energy or emotions may be a contributing factor to poltergeists. They are kind of like a tulpa. Because once you start experiencing these paranormal occurrences, you start believing in the poltergeist more and more. feeding into it’s power.

The science on this is still up in there because well, it is just a fringe science of course. But if you have things moving in the house. The “haunted” person is experiencing lots of stress, then a poltergeist may be involved and something like cleansing there aura, meditation, or prayer may help to subside the extra electromagnetic energy spewing off of them. Now this does not mean that they aren’t ALSO on a haunted area or experiencing something else such as a demonic oppression or “normal” haunting”. But calming the poltergeist activity down first in order to get to the root of where the heightened emotions and negative energy is coming from is probably the best bet.

What do you think? have you ever experienced a poltergeist? Let me know what you think.

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