Between 1977 – 1979, the unfortunate Hodgson family was plagued with terrifying occurrences of poltergeist activity.

It all started when the children experienced their beds shaking one night. They called their mom into their room and she blew it off and told them to go to sleep. The next day, the kids were screaming again and the mom (Peggy Hodgson) witnessed a large dresser being pushed across the floor by itself. She pushed back against it and it didn’t move. There was something pushing back against it. This spooked her. She decided to go and get the neighbors for help. The neighbors came over and checked, they heard knocking in the walls and were spooked themselves. They decided to call the cops, the cops checked the house and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. Then suddenly, as they were all conversing in the kitchen, they all witnessed a chair fly across the room. The police actually wrote a detailed report of this instance but couldn’t really do anything else.

The next day, things continued, things like marbles flying through the air and being incredibly hot to the touch. They were coming from parts of the room where there were no kids, so the children were not suspects. Peggy Hodgson contacted her local newspaper for help, because they were running gout of options. One of the reporters mentioned that they may have a poltergeist in their house. They were directed towards the Society of Psychical Research. A paranormal group that investigates paranormal hauntings in England. From this society, Maurice Gross, an inventor and paranormal investigator went and decided to help the Hodgson family.

Maurice Gross was determined to help. he wanted to be as rational and logical as possible to get to the bottom of this poltergeist in Enfield. He almost immediately started witnessing paranormal events. He at first thought it may have been one of the children playing jokes on him. He tested to make sure they were asleep when he heard things flying around in parts of the house at night. He was witness to the notorious flying marbles and lots of absolutely freezing drafts coming from out of nowhere.

Eventually it became to much for Maurice to investigate on his own. He got some help from a fella named Guy Playfair, also from the Society for Psychical Research. Now we had two paranormal investigators on the Enfield poltergeist case. They tried tricking the kids, to see if they were playing jokes, they tested and tried to debunk all of the unusual phenomena happening. For the life of them, they just couldn’t figure out how the suspicious marbles would drop from the air suddenly out of nowhere and be burning hot. Was there a portal of some sort?

By now, the stress of the family was at an all time high. especially around young Janet Hodgson, who is the main victim in this case. The activity seemed to be focusing around her (Janet). Maurice decided to start recording instances of the activity. There is recordings of knocks being recorded and boxes being thrown. The family being spooked.

Around this time, Janet started talking in a deep voice. Was she possessed? Some mediums who visited said she may have been a medium herself and was channeling different spirits. Some of the spirits may have been very nefarious, as one time, Janet was strangled by curtains and actually chased by floating knives. Other than this, (possibly being possessed by multiple different entities) Janet was perfectly fine.

As the poltergeist activity was coming to a head, there was water and poo manifesting all around the house. Along with fires and very violent movement of objects flying and an overall stress level, through the roof. The family decided that Janet needed to go to the hospital. When she was gone, the family still witnessed apparitions and other minor paranormal activity. When she came home it ramped up again. maybe she really was a medium and the activity just ramped up around her. She was a victim and incredibly stressed out. Remember she was just a teenage girl with possible psychic powers that were being exasperated by being on a possible supernatural hotspot.

After she came back from the hospital, a final medium came in and astral projected to confront the entities at the house. He concluded that it may have been Maurice Gross’ deceased daughter (RIP) and she was trying to contact him. She may have been one of the good entities that may have been helping Janet and helped the activity disperse after this. Soon after this, the activity DID stop.

Was this an elaborate hoax? Or real evidence of ghosts or real paranormal activity? What do you think?



Poltergeists? have you heard of them? In the German language “poltergeist” means “noisy ghost”. That is a great starting point to figure out what exactly these things are. Noisy, annoying, troublesome ghosts.

There are a few theories on what exactly a poltergeist is exactly. For the most part, it can be described as a paranormal occurrence that affects things in the physical world. Aka, frying pans being thrown across the room. Chairs moving, water bottles being pushed off tables, water manifesting randomly, things moving. Does that help? PHYSICAL movements. Where as, something like an oppression or spirit haunting will be different. Just simply seeing things like spirits, or experiencing a demonic oppression will most likely not be categorized as a poltergeist.

Why know these things? Idk, maybe you are interested or maybe you are a new paranormal investigator trying to figure things out. There are a few cases you may want to look at, including the Enfield Poltergeist case. This case exhibited many poltergeistic occurrences.

So where do poltergeists come from? That is a question of debate. The most popular consensus is that it is a result of our own psyche. For instance, many cases occur during puberty, or times of great stress. (loss of a loved one, financial stress, mental health problems, addictions, spiritual oppressions, by-product of other hauntings) This chaotic stress energy may be culminating into a manifested supernatural phenomenon. Poltergeist activities may also manifest in environments that have a high amount of negative energy. Places where people have been killed, or lots of “heavy” energy.

One thing to look at, is, you know when you go into a room where people were just fighting in? Or something terrible just happened and you can “feel” the heavy energy? Either fear, anger or other potent emotions still wafting in the air. Imagine this building and building up, and then suddenly your remote control to your television flys across your room randomly. This build up in electromagnetic energy or emotions may be a contributing factor to poltergeists. They are kind of like a tulpa. Because once you start experiencing these paranormal occurrences, you start believing in the poltergeist more and more. feeding into it’s power.

The science on this is still up in there because well, it is just a fringe science of course. But if you have things moving in the house. The “haunted” person is experiencing lots of stress, then a poltergeist may be involved and something like cleansing there aura, meditation, or prayer may help to subside the extra electromagnetic energy spewing off of them. Now this does not mean that they aren’t ALSO on a haunted area or experiencing something else such as a demonic oppression or “normal” haunting”. But calming the poltergeist activity down first in order to get to the root of where the heightened emotions and negative energy is coming from is probably the best bet.

What do you think? have you ever experienced a poltergeist? Let me know what you think.


Oof. Lemme tell you about the time my little apartment was haunted. It was probably my fault. But these are the repercussions of playing haphazardly with a Ouija board.

That’s right. Playing with a Ouija board, I may have summoned some sort of nefarious spirit or tulpa-like poltergeist. Who knows? So, lemme begin my story with what I think may have been a contributing factor in this situation. At the time, me and my wife were buying lots of antiques from our local antique mall. Old books, furniture, knick knacks and other various items. One of the items we bought was an old vintage camera from probably like the 40’s. (Idk, I’m not a camera historian, but it looked like the camera that the detective used in the Roger rabbit movie). I just felt like this camera had a very eerie energy to it. Almost like I was handling someone else’s property. Felt like it was still “owned”. On top of this, at around the same time we decided to get a random Ouija board to play with. I made jokes, I teased at the idea of a Ouija board actually working.

So one time we decided to try to summon some spirits (I know, really stupid) and were filming it just in case we did. I had a “photography” sorta light illuminating the whole scene. So, after being all set up, with the Ouija board layed out, lights set up, the old camera I mentioned earlier near the board, jokes made. I lit an old red candle (also purchased from the same antique mall) and jokingly asked if there was a spirit, then to stop being a punk and show itself. I was trying to be like Zak Bagans and provoke the spirits. This is dumb, I know. I was young. So, this is where it starts.

IMMEDIATELY, after lighting the red candle in a ritualistic form. The lightbulb on the professional photography light I had setup, BLEW. It straight up EXPLODED. In pieces. Scared the crap out of me and my wife. It was loud, and shocking. I just kind of was like “well then..” and stopped filming because I was spooked and also had no more light to film anyways.

After this incident, it started getting more “eerie” around our small apartment. The air just felt thicker and heavier. Another instance occurred where, I was utilizing our closet and a stuffed animal basically flew out from the closet in front of me. This stuffed animal was a Christmas present from my mother the season before. It was a snowman that when you squeezed it, would say things like “merry Christmas” and similar. Now upon this stuffed animal seemingly being thrown out of the closet in front of me, it rolled to an upright position and STARTED LAUGHING. It sounded like it was losing batteries. Deep and guttural but a laugh nonetheless. I think I may have kicked it, exclaimed something like “WTF” and moved closer to my wife. She witnessed it too and we were both freaked out again.

Another occurrence that is pretty memorable is one night, we were sleeping (as people do at night time), and I woke up suddenly in fear. I felt scared for no reason. I looked over at my beautiful wife and she was wide awake. I felt even more uneasy. I asked what was wrong, she just said she awoke from a terrible nightmare, or maybe even an astral projection, she wasn’t sure. Then I noticed a black mass forming at the end of our bed, moving across our bedroom. I pointed it out to her and she instantly jumped out of bed and turned on the light. We stayed up the rest of the night, formulating our plan to combat this entity. We started right away with “cleansing” the apartment of negative energy and banishing whatever it was. Upon thinking it through, we realized it may have been due to some of the old objects we accumulated from the antique mall (that may have had some bad energy attached), or possibly playing with the Ouija board a couple weeks before and taunting the spirits.

We decided to get rid of whatever in our house that seemed to have a “bad” energy to it and also the Ouija board. The next morning we took those things to the dump, came back home and tried to keep our apartment and attitudes in a positive environment. We didn’t have any problems after that but now we know, not just to taunt or invite random spirits into your home because it may just all actually be real.

Hope you enjoyed this little true story of mine. It is one of many experiences with the supernatural that has contributed to my current beliefs on the subject. Whether it was actually a spirit, or our own minds “manifested” a dark force, it was a spooky experience and glad I grew from it! Stay positive and have a great week everyone! 🙂

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